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About Micaela



Post-1865 U.S. History, Post-1848 Mexican American History, Urban/Metropolitan History, Politics, Social Movements, Community Organizing, Environmental Justice, Racial Capitalism

Research and Work at UT

My research is concerned with the effects of racial capitalism in urban communities of color throughout the 20th century. My dissertation project, entitled "Drowning in the Alamo City: Combating Inequality and Environmental Injustice in San Antonio, Texas, 1950 to the Present," examines how Mexican Americans responded to environmental disasters and environmental discrimination. It focuses on San Antonio, Texas and begins in the mid-1950s as the city expanded and working-class communities of color participated in the widespread social movements of the era and advocated for equality in infrastructural improvements and protection from major floods. I utilize the history of urban planning, environmental injustice, and community organization to reveal how racial capitalism operates over time for people in San Antonio, Texas. 


I am currently a Graduate Research Assistant for the Texas State Historical Association Handbook of Texas. I am also the Program Coordinator for ClioVis. ClioVis is a digital timeline tool that enables users to combine the best features of timelines, mind mapping, and network visualization tools to help users collaborate on projects, better understand and organize their research materials, and present their findings to external audiences. It also teaches students how to cite their sources and help them differentiate between causation and correlation.

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